UNMET NEEDS AND UNANSWERED QUESTIONS: Finding Answers with The Seven Primal Questions

Do you wonder why you do what you do?

Do you get caught in cycles — looking for answers?

What if I told you, the answer — was actually — in a question.

We often spend our time trying to fix behaviors, actions, and thoughts. Are you caught in cycles — looking for answers?

What if I told you, the answer — was actually — in a question.

The Seven Primal Questions are a set of core questions that unknowingly drive our lives through our choices, actions, and triggers. When you identify your Primal Question you find clarity, new perspective of your past, understand the present, and begin to explore the future with confidence. When you understand how your highest emotional need drives your life you gain a new level of self-awareness and live from a place of self-leadership. If you’re feeling stuck in the same cycles, maybe it’s time to get to the root of what drives you.

  • Do you feel like your emotions and behaviors are complicated to understand?

  • Do you want to take control of your life, make changes for the better, but need a simple method for doing so?

  • Do you desire to heal from your past?

  • Are you ready to grow — but not sure how to move forward?


After 6,000+ hours of research Mike Foster has developed a simple and strategic framework that is transformational in getting to the root of what drives you in life. is a revolutionary new framework for accelerating personal and professional growth. Mike’s work has been featured in the NY Times, GQ Magazine and on GMA. He has used the Primal Question framework in executive coaching, counseling, and speaking. The Primal Question framework is built around the following 7 core questions (that can be asked in slightly different ways):


At their core, they crave physical and emotional safety — and negative surprises are a “no, thanks.”

When Q1s are at their best, they’re relaxed, at peace, and can heal and protect those around them. However, when they’re in their scramble, they tend to try to control the future, live on high alert, and exist in a lot of stress and anxiety.

The Q1s are the world’s guardians — they help people feel safe and protected, are naturally able to analyze and predict, and tend to be emotionally connected and sensitive.


The Q2s are great providers and partners — and they build stable environments, prioritize their relationships and finances, and tend to be trustworthy, grounded, and methodical.

At their core, they crave security — and not having the right amount of money or relational resources to protect themselves is a big fear.

When Q2s are at their best, they’re generous, connected, and secure. However, when they’re in their scramble, they tend to fret over money, resources, and relational capital.


The Q3s are gifted at loving and caring for others — and they create safe, loving environments for others to feel seen, heard, and treasured.

At their core, they crave being loved — and the thought of being dismissed, unheard, or unseen is a deep fear.

When Q3s are at their best, they’re nurturing, kind, and empathetic. However, when they’re in their scramble, they tend to become people-pleasers, over-give, and engage in codependent behaviors.


The Q4s are welcoming, accepting, and inclusive — and they’re excellent at connecting people and including them.

At their core, they crave being wanted — and the thought of being excluded, replaced, or shunned is a deep fear.

When Q4s are at their best, they’re strong in social settings, good with people, and make others feel special. However, when they’re in their scramble, they tend to lose themselves in the need to feel wanted themselves.


The Q5s are confident, focused, and help everyone solve problems — and win.

At their core, they want to be and be seen as successful — and being seen as incompetent or underachieving is their worst possible outcome.

When Q5s are at their best, they lead themselves and others to positive outcomes — and their can-do attitudes give them the ability to produce great work. However, when they’re in their scramble, they tend to lose sight of the bigger picture, engage in workaholic behaviors, and work towards outcomes they may not really want.


The Q6s are valuable, advocating, and full of special abilities — plus, they’re great at seeing possibilities and spotting untapped resources.

At their core, they want to be seen as good — and ever being negatively thought of or criticized is a huge deal to them.

When Q6s are at their best, they add value to others, embrace their own imperfections, and maximize the lives around them. However, when they’re in their scramble, they tend to see themselves as a victim or shut down.


The Q7s are imaginative, forward-thinking, and impactful — and they consistently make the world around them a better place.

At their core, they want to live a life full of meaning — and living a purposeless life is the worst thing that could happen to them.

When Q7s are at their best, they embrace their boundless visions, rally people towards a difference, and help others unlock their purpose. However, when they’re in their scramble, they tend to get caught up in finding the “right” path, which can cause them to miss the good.


Understanding The Seven Primal Questions, you are able to create a better life for yourself, a friend, a parent, a leader, or a partner.

These questions can almost always be traced back to our family of origin or consistent experiences in life leaving us with a “NO” or a “MAYBE”. We then begin to live our lives with unmet NEEDS. As you being to unpack your story and see your unmet needs you are able to step into a healthy role of self leadership. You will find that every unmet need not only leaves you wanting, it creates a powerful gift that you bring to the world! It’s a beautiful reminder that – nothing is wasted.


Understanding your Highest Emotional Need: The Seven Primal Question


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