Life + Design: The Power of Negative Space

As an interior designer, I have a new perspective on the power of negative space.

The use of negative space plays a powerful role in creating a peaceful, cohesive and intriguing design.

Negative space brings balance, shapes perspective, and creates depth when used properly. In design, negative space can be seen as visually empty space. In life, we often think of pain as a negative. In reality, it's preparation for experiencing the positive.

Design is an experience

A visual dialogue finding balance of rest and interest.

It brings a sense of harmony and joy.

In the same way,

the empty spaces in life serve as a reminder to

rest, reflect and add depth to my perspective.

What we perceive as negative thoughts and empty spaces in our hearts could be communicating a need for change in our current circumstance, or offering a balanced perspective to our reality.

The balance of negative space creates perspective and depth with surrounding layers. The placement will direct our eyes around the room. When designing a room, I am reminded to do the same with my heart and life to see the layers and the "negative space". When I acknowledge it, and understanding its purpose, I gain perspective.

With out the negative, it’s impossible to experience joy.

Pause, notice the negative spaces this season holds and find perspective as you seek peace.

Let light shine through.

Gain clarity + confidence to

lean in, listen, and learn.


If your thought life becomes unbalanced and negative spaces screams louder than the joy - it’s important to find balance - you may need to dig deep to gain a new perspective.

Are you in a season where the walls of your heart are cluttered or totally bare?

Do your thoughts feel out of balance? You have the opportunity to live by default or design.

Take a moment to consider:

What is the story I’m telling myself?

Is this story true? Look at the fact.

Where does it come from? Uncover the layers.

Is it revealing a point of pain, fear, anxiety, or insecurity?

Is it revealing unhealthy patterns I need to take action to change?

Is the negative thought serving me well?

What can I learn from this thought?

Can I use this thought to point me to a positive thought?

What areas of my life can I find growth, healing, freedom in my past?

Are things getting better?

Is this a season I’m struggling to gain clarity on my own?

Am I stuck in the dark?

Do I need help, pulling back the curtains, and finding a more balanced perspective?


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